Just De

Just De
Just De in Manhattan

Thursday, April 26, 2012

V is for Victory

I am very happy that I decided to participate in the A-Z blog challenge. It's been an interesting journey. I have to admit that next year I will have a definite game plan, but all in all I am feeling victorious! April has always been my favorite month of the year for many reasons. It's the month of my birth and the first full month of Spring, my favorite season. This April has been especially busy for me trying to keep it all together because I have been working a full-time job and also a freelance as well trying to put something together for this blog. While some of the post feature better writing experiences than others, I will say this. I absolutely have challenged myself to think of new and creative ideas each and everyday. I am getting back into the swing of things again. That also makes me feel victorious. The feedback that I am getting is amazing. Even if people don't leave a comment for me or even if they don't read the entire post each day, I am aware that people are reading my work! That is the best possible compliment for a writer, people that take time out of their lives for a few moments to read what I actually wrote. That is humbling. I totally plan to participate in this challenge next year, God willing. But in the meantime, this challenge has inspired me to keep this blog going on a regular basis. While I admit I don't have the time to write everyday, I have been challenged to write more thought out, detailed post. Thank you again for your support and I look forward to taking this blog to the next level!!!

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